Our Nursery - The Little Bears
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Our Nursery

What makes us different from other nurseries is our huge Learning Hub and private hall for activities.

At The Little Bears Nursery we encourage children of all ages to interact with each other in our open plan style learning hub, creating role models within the older children.

Learning Hub

This amazing area is where your children will spend lots of their time enjoying the huge range of activities and learning opportunities this space offers. With access to the outdoor area we encourage everyone to explore freely between the two, in a controlled and safe environment.

Learning Hub

This amazing area is where your children will spend lots of their time enjoying the huge range of activities and learning opportunities this space offers. With access to the outdoor area we encourage everyone to explore freely between the two, in a controlled and safe environment.

The Bear Forest

Our bear forest has been designed for your children to feel fully engaged in their imagination and learning through stories. We encourage a love for reading through exploring books together with a focus on their communication and language skills.

We also call this of phonic forest where we expose our children to phase one and two phonics from a young age. With our highly experienced school staff leading the way this means our children will be phonic ready!

The Bear Forest

Our bear forest has been designed for your children to feel fully engaged in their imagination and learning through stories. We encourage a love for reading through exploring books together with a focus on their communication and language skills.

We also call this of phonic forest where we expose our children to phase one and two phonics from a young age. With our highly experienced school staff leading the way this means our children will be phonic ready!

The Bear Cave (Nap Room)

We have made this room a calm and relaxing space for your children using sensory items to help soothe your child into a peaceful mindset.

The Bear Cave (Nap Room)

We have made this room a calm and relaxing space for your children using sensory items to help soothe your child into a peaceful mindset.

Dining Room

Dining Room – Having the option to be able to distinguish between play and meal times with our own dining room, really helps the children learn the difference between the two, teaching them these skills from an early age.

Pre School / Dining Room

This room has two functions.

Pre School – It is a separate room away from the Learning Hub which engages children in a different way of learning. This gives them the opportunity to challenge themselves in a classroom style setting to prepare them for their early days at school.

Dining Room – Having the option to be able to distinguish between play and dining meal times with our own dining room really helps the children learn the difference between the two, teaching them these skills from an early age.

The Hall

At The Little Bears Nursery we are lucky enough to have our very own hall which gives us a huge area for open play and activities with an opportunity to experience PE lessons which are a huge part of school life. Another advantage is that the hall will be available to hire for parties and events.

The Hall

At The Little Bears Nursery we are lucky enough to have our very own hall which gives us a huge area for open play and activities with an opportunity to experience PE lessons which are a huge part of school life. Another advantage is that the hall will be available to hire for parties and events.

Outdoor Classroom

We have a great outdoor area where children are free to learn and explore while getting their hands dirty. Outdoor learning connects children with the natural world and encourages lifelong involvement and activity in the outdoors. 

Outdoor Classroom

We have a great outdoor area where children are free to learn and explore while getting their hands dirty. Outdoor learning connects children with the natural world and encourages lifelong involvement and activity in the outdoors.