At The Little Bears Nursery we have a nursery SENCO. Every child in the setting is allocated a key worker. The key workers work closely with every child and their family. They complete regular observations which are used to inform planning around a child’s individual needs and interests. Partnership with parents is central to our ethos at Little Bears, we value parent communication highly. A child’s key worker will work alongside parents to ensure every child’s learning is supported. When a child initially starts, we provide settling in sessions where the key person familiarises themselves with the child’s individual needs, interests and abilities. We also send home an ‘all about me’ document for parents to complete. This is the initial opportunity for the parents to identify any needs with us so that these can be catered for without delay. We encourage parents/carers to keep us informed of activities/ experiences they have at home through our online learning journey. This means working collaboratively together, meaning we can share these home observations with the child at nursery and vice versa. It also means we can keep up to date with their interests and plan their learning around this. Our families are also invited to termly meetings to discuss their child’s progress and development.